Leuke wooninspiratie & interieur ideeën voor de inrichting van je huis en tuin | inrichting-huis.com

Maroccan interior design ideas

The Moroccan interior is partly characterized by a quiet base, where colors like white, off white, beige and gray an important role. With the base we mean the walls, floor and ceiling. On the other hand is a typical Moroccan interior to the use of a rich color palette. This connector is commonly found in Moroccan home accessories like pillows, blankets, rugs, Moroccan lamps, etc. The base is the peaceful use of turquoise, pink, green, gold, silver or quite possible.

Photos with interior design ideas

Marokkaanse interieur ideeen

Marokkaanse interieur ideeen

Marokkaanse interieur ideeen

Marokkaanse interieur ideeen

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