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Interior design ideas for small apartments

Small apartments and houses are slightly different. It’s a real art to it in a good, effective way to organize. You should certainly have thought about. There are of course practical interior design ideas everywhere to find a small area in this matter. Helpful tips for creating such storage or how correct interior design ideas to a small area to make it appear larger.

We often get emails from people who ask if we have some inside interior design ideas for small apartments can post on our website. Of course we want to do. Here is our top 3 interior design ideas for you to help. It’s your big challenge to apply it in your interior.

Open kitchen
Small apartments often have a separate small kitchen adjacent to a small living room. This can come about very poky and cramped. An open kitchen is in my opinion one of the best decorating ideas for a small apartment. It provides an open and spacious feel.

White walls
Zoiezo I’m a fan of white walls, but in a small apartment white walls actually indispensable. And dark colored walls ensure that your small apartment even smaller than it is.

Functional furniture
Look for compact functional furniture with storage space. A coffee table with drawers, TV cabinet with drawers or shelves that are up to the ceiling. Avoid open shelves. This, in a small apartment cluttered mind.

Interior ideas by pictures of small apartments

The tips and interior design ideas are nice, but a picture speaks 1000 words. Below some pictures of beautiful small apartment interior design ideas of where you can experience.

Interieur ideen voor kleine appartementen

Interieur ideen voor kleine appartementen

Interieur ideen voor kleine appartementen

Interieur ideen voor kleine appartementen

Interieur ideen voor kleine appartementen

Interieur ideen voor kleine appartementen

Interieur ideen voor kleine appartementen

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