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6 interior design ideas for small spaces

Setting up small apartment is really an art. You should consider the space, but it is also important that nice looking. You must not only functional interior also suit you.

Interior design ideas for small spaces

Attached a number of useful interior design ideas for small spaces:
1. Replace all interior doors for curtains
2. Refrigerator takes a lot of space, but you do not always need such a large
3. Clean your windows regularly so that sunlight is not blocked.
4. Go wireless!
5. And of course, keep it light. Use light colors for walls and floors.
6. Bespoke furniture need not be expensive, but you use this space is optimal.

Photos with interior design ideas

As always, we will place some inspiration pictures so you can do interior design ideas.

6 interieur ideeen voor kleine ruimtes

6 interieur ideeen voor kleine ruimtes

6 interieur ideeen voor kleine ruimtes

6 interieur ideeen voor kleine ruimtes

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